Lab Expectations

Two crab eater seals on the ice in Antarctica

We’re Professional

  • We communicate with each other in a respectful manner. Everyone, regardless of experience level or position has valuable insights to contribute.
  • We get our work done in a timely manner. We give credit where credit is due.
  • We don’t interrupt each other and make sure everyone has a chance to participate in conversation.
  • We’re reliable. We coordinate our lab time with others and make mutually acceptable arrangements if an agreed upon schedule needs to be adjusted.
  • We clean up after ourselves and leave our work space as clean or cleaner than we find it.
  • We ask permission before taking/sharing photos or other sensitive information.
  • We address and resolve issues. We don’t let them build in the background.
  • We don’t touch other peoples experiments/samples/set up or use their reagents without getting permission.
Image depicting key components of lab safety including a lab coat, safety goggles, hazard identification, and gloves.

We’re safe

  • If you see (smell, hear) something, say something. I’d rather have a 100 false alarms than miss a potentially dangerous situation.
  • We label *everything* properly.
  • We complete all mandatory safety and procedural trainings.
  • We wear proper PPE.
  • We treat the equipment and chemicals with respect.
Chalkboard rendering reading "In this lab mistakes are expected, respected, inspected, corrected"

Learning is a priority

  • We ask questions.
  • Mistakes are expected. But they are communicated. We don’t try to hide a mistake or blame someone else. We discuss what happened and work together to find a solution.
  • We hold ourselves and others the the highest levels of research integrity.
  • We work together and help each other. We talk about successes as well as challenges and help each other troubleshoot problems.
  • Collaboration within the lab and outside the lab with the broader scientific community is good for everyone.
  • We provide constructive feedback
  • We take care of ourselves. Mental and physical well being are crucial to a successful learning environment.

We’re inclusive

  • We don’t discriminate based on gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, appearance, age, race, ethnicity, religion, or lifestyle choices.
  • Exclusionary and offensive comments/’jokes’/language/behavior are not acceptable. Harassment in any form is not tolerated.
  • We’re considerate of dietary restrictions, familial obligations, religious observances etc.
Several small glass vials containing sediment on a lab counter next to double sided tape.
Sediments being prepared for mounting and SEM-EDS analysis.

We follow good research practices

  • Lab notebooks are essential. Your notebook should be done in such a way that others can replicate your work. This includes all reagents/supplies (details- CAT numbers, strength, etc) and procedures. Lab notebooks stay with the lab.
  • We back up our data. Notes/data/drafts should exist in at least two places. Backups are run at least 2x per month.
  • Spreadsheets/code are annotated and clearly labeled.
  • All involved colleagues/coauthors have seen and approved of presentations/publications before they are presented to an outside audience.
  • We follow all academic honesty and academic integrity expectations. See Coastal’s Academic Integrity Code.
  • We do not tolerate research misconduct in any form. See Coastal’s Research Misconduct Policy.
  • All relevant data is provided in table form with publications and uploaded to databases as appropriate.