Field Photos

The adventure science – some highlights from research and teaching in the field.

Penguins on the Antarctic sea ice, GEOTRACES GP17-ANT, RVIB Palmer 2023-2024
Vibracoring the tidal creek during the CCU’s marine geology lab to collect cores for students’ sea level project
RV Roger Revelle 2019: Hikurangi Margin
Sunrise over Cape Town, RV Sonne 2020
An Adelie penguin comes by to help with sea ice work, RVIB Palmer 2023-2024

Penguins play on sea ice as the RV Palmer works its way through the icebergs along the Antarctic Peninsula GP17-ANT (2023-2024)

Crater Lake, Oregon – dusk falls on Wizard Island after sediment trap recovery

Watched by Whales – RV Investigator 2018, Tasman Sea
Great Australian Bight, CAPSTAN 2019
Castle Rock New Zealand- 3rd year field trip
New South Wales South Coast – marine sediments/stratigraphy field trip
Seneca Lake NY – deploying sediment traps
Multicore deployment – North Pacific, RV Oceanus
Upper level undergraduate field geology – Mt St Helens, WA